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Defining Bravery, Love and dream after watching "The Greatest Showman"

by 오버플로우 2018. 9. 2.

I think bravery is only from oneself. Of course people could encourage each other to have it. But the real bravery that can change the person has a great power when person choose to have it and show it to people. It's matter of choice by oneself. 

Second, love is having joy even though they give up something they've regarded as a valuable thing. I knew that when I saw Philip who is a business partner of P.T Barnum. In the end of the movie, he gave up belonging to the upper class because of his love for Anne who was a black trapeze artist. I thought true love doesn't care about the person's background, race and social position. True love makes person overcome all of these and saw the other person's identity only to love them. 

Lastly, dream is to give people hope and energy to live their life. PT.Barnum had a dream for him and his family. When he started his business, he looked energetic with full of hope. finally his and his family's dream came true. Dream is invisible but for people who have their own and keep following it, that could be visible later. 

After watching the movie, my heart was filled with warm consolation. I think bravery, love and dream have power and everyone can have them if they want. Moreover if someone had them, that could be good effect to others as well. 

I'm sure they have consistency in terms of making people changed if it's genuine. And also It's all free to get them for everyone. 

