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[Book review]Kim Ji-young born in 1982 written by Cho Nam-Ju

오버플로우 2018. 9. 2. 19:15

Last weekend, I read a book which is titled Kim Ji-young born in 1982. The main character is a woman who lives in Korea as a woman. The story started with a scene that she got mentally sick. She was working at a company. But she quit the job because of caring for her baby after she gave a birth to her daughter. The story is including her mother's life and background of her family. While I was reading the story, I was a little bit upset about reality of Korean society. There is still gender discrimination across our society. We've been having specific culture of preference for sons. l know this situation like no one else because my family culture is almost same as Kim Ji-Young. And working as a female in Korea is still not easy, specially for working mom. Most of working mom in Korea spend their maternity leave almost 3 months and should be back to work. And they need someone who  can care their baby instead of them to keep having their career. 

Return to the book, when she was young, her older sister and she were discriminated comparing to her younger brother by her grandmother and her father. After she graduated from university, she started working and wanted to continue having her job. But after she got married, she got pressured to have a baby by her husband's relatives. Finally, she had no choice which is only to give up her job because of pregnancy and delivery. 

In the story there are some episodes about disadvantages in the workplace because she is a woman. After reading the story, I thought the reality might be my future. I felt so sad, uncomfortable and upset. And I'm not sure if I could meet Korean guy as my future spouse. 

I hope many men in Korea read this book. But I don't know if they can understand the life of woman in Korea. 

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